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UEN : T06SS0073F


Your gateway to storytelling and storytellers in Singapore


Our mission is to promote the practice and appreciation of oral storytelling in Singapore.

“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn.
Tell me the truth and I’ll believe.
But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”
– An old Native American proverb –

We Welcome

People who want to hear stories

People who tell stories in any aspect of their lives

People who wish to book tellers for special events

People who wish to find out more about the storytelling scene in Singapore

Please browse through this site to find out more about us…

Our Objectives

To foster an appreciation of storytelling at home and work, in schools and the community

To provide our members with opportunities to share oral stories and hone their storytelling skills

To support professional storytellers by establishing guidelines of standard practice and providing a contact point for those seeking to hire a teller for their event

To disseminate information on storytelling activities in Singapore

Our Logo

Meaning of the Symbol:


The symbol represents the initials of the Association (SAS). Its wave-like lines represent the rhythms of life and the sound waves of storytelling going out to add life to the world. The middle figure represents the open mouth of the storyteller sending stories out into the world.


Meaning of  the Colour: 

The colour red was chosen to represent the Red Thread of stories that weaves its way through human life, bringing people into closer community with one another. Red is also the colour of Singapore.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.