Looking for a great way to engage young children between stories? Want the help of a puppet to tell a specific story? Ready to add to your classroom or performance toolkit? In this ridiculously fun and practical workshop, Priscilla Howe focuses on how and why to use puppets with children. She draws on decades of experience as a full-time storyteller and former children’s librarian.
American storyteller Priscilla Howe travels the world (fourteen countries so far) with a bagful of puppets and a headful of stories. Since 1993, her full-time job has been telling folktales, personal stories and literary tales to listeners of all ages, even grownups. She performs on Zoom, and when it isn’t a pandemic, in schools, libraries, festivals, house concerts and literally her own backyard. She’s currently offering Zoom storytimes during the week, as well as a once-monthly storytime for Asia time zone.
Watch Priscilla tell stories at Singapore time 11 a.m. on Saturday February 13th, March 13th and April 10th 2021. The Zoom online storytelling is free but requires registration. Register here.
You can also listen or watch videos of Priscilla here.
Find out more on her website, https://www.priscillahowe.com/
Good news for our members who sign up for the workshop!
After the workshop, you can participate in a 40-day coaching by Priscilla on Padlet, an online tool. We encourage storytellers to hone their skills with guidance from Priscilla herself and then get together in a Social in May to showcase their puppet skill. This is FREE for members who sign up for Priscilla’s workshop.