November 2022 Newsletter

This Month!! Registrations open NOW!!
The 398.2 Storytelling Festival is a FREE, family-targeted festival featuring both, professional and skilled amateur storytellers of Singapore. It is held annually, usually in the last quarter of the year.
The name 398.2 alludes to the Dewey classification number for folktale books.
The Festival is run by SAS – Storytelling Association (Singapore), in collaboration with NLB (National Library Board) and supported by NAC (National Arts Council).
Hybrid, Online and Face 2 Face Sessions from 19th November 2022 onwards

A workshop suitable for
parents of children 4-9 years old.
Oral storytelling is a wonderful activity with children.
It strengthens relationships and promotes bonding, educates and develops literacy skills, and stirs up the imagination and creativity. With this skill, one can keep children entertained on a rainy day or on a family trip.
This set of workshops for parents ties in with the 398.2 Storytelling Festival from November 19th to December 3rd 2022 where daily, there are FREE oral storytelling programmes online and/or onsite.
For more information on the festival and registration, go to http://go.gov.sg/3982-storytellingfest2022.
Attend the launch of the Festival on 19th November and meet Professional Storytellers Roger Jenkins and Wong Swee Yean. Both Roger and Swee Yean, both experienced storytellers, will be conducting this series of 4 workshops.
In the workshops, you will learn basic tools to begin your oral storytelling journey! Learn how to be more expressive, foster your child’s engagement and use pre- and post- storytelling activities creatively.
At the end of each workshop, learn new skills — and a new story to tell!
Dates : 7, 14, 21 and 28 December 2022 (Wednesday)
Time : 7.30 – 8.30 PM
Venue : All 4 sessions will be held online on zoom.
Price : $20 – that’s only $5 per session!
Please register soon as seats are limited. Register here!
So, come along to this fun and interactive workshop to gain new skills and 4 stories to tell as well!

Stories In Art
Every month, a storyteller tells stories to children and family audience inspired by different artworks in the National Gallery.
This month, Karen Lee will tell stories inspired by U Khin Maung’s Burmese Musicians at the National Gallery Singapore
When: 12 and 13 November 2022
Time: 2.30– 3.15 pm or 3.30 – 4.15 pm (SGT)
Where: The Keppel Centre for Art Education – National Gallery
Registration is at the Keppel Centre for Art Education on a first-come-first-serve basis on the day itself.
The sessions are free for families with children.

Interested in storytelling but don’t know where to start?
These workshops by professional storyteller Sheila Wee are for you!!
In two 7-hour modules of hands-on training (over 2 consecutive Saturdays), you will gain a firm grounding in storytelling skills. You will leave with one ready to tell story and the tools and confidence to learn and tell more stories.
In a warm and supportive group environment you will learn why storytelling is such a powerful form of communication; how stories can be structured to hook listener’s attention, and discover your own personal storytelling style. Through group, partner and individual exercises, you will be guided through a step-by-step method of learning to tell a story without memorising the words. You will also discover how to add details to make the story uniquely yours, and learn effective story rehearsal and performance techniques.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and comprises of 2 sessions:
- Introduction To Storytelling I: 19th November 2022, 9.30 am – 5.45 pm, In Person (SBC Training Room)
- Introduction To Storytelling II: 26th November 2022, 9.30 am -5.45 pm, In Person (SBC Training Room)
“A fantastic workshop. Every second is worth a million! Thanks a lot for waking up the storyteller in me.”
“Sheila came across as very sincere and passionate about sharing her expertise in storytelling. She not only taught us how to tell stories, but inspired us as well. The workshop was also well paced with a very relevant and well planned programme.”
“Would recommend it to others. A solid introduction. Inspiring.”
This is a special offer for our SAS members!
SAS members get a discount of 10%. Please email hanis@bookcouncil.sg to say you are an SAS member before making payment.
Discount of 20% for someone that comes in with a buddy or has attended another Book Council workshop
Dates and time:
19 November & 26 November 2022 (Saturdays)
9:30 am to 5:45 pm SGT
SBC Training Room – Goodman Arts Centre
90 Goodman Road, Blk E #03-32, SG 439053
Please note the venue does not have lift access.
More details for this workshop can be found here.

Telling Your Stories, Sharing Your Memories
by Wong Swee Yean
Final showcases:
18 November 2022 (Friday), 3 – 4pm (Anglican Senior Centre Tampines)
23 November 2022 (Wednesday), 3 – 4pm (Anglican Senior Centre Yishun)
2 December 2022 (Friday), 11am – 12pm (Anglican Senior Centre Havelock)
Witness the presentation of personal stories and folktales by elderly participants inspired by the exhibits from SCCC’s SINGAPO? exhibition. Led by Storyteller Wong Swee Yean, the presentation will be in Mandarin. Due to limited capacity, please email interest to Janice_Seah@nac.gov.sg; a separate email to confirm registration will be sent.

Ah – the road less travelled! How it beckons, rewards or scares us! These five story-journeys venture into the Amazon rainforest and the corporate jungle of Singapore, the wilderness of Rajasthan, and on two forays into China: one seeking perfection and the other, the Answer to Life’s Most Important Question (which is included free with your ticket!)
Date: Saturday, 3 December 2022
Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Singapore Standard Time SGT
Location :The Black Box. 42 Waterloo Street (42WS)187951
This is a hybrid session for adults. You can view it online or join us face to face. We look forward to enjoying an evening of stories with you.
Events in Singapore & Around the World


TUESDAYS in NOVEMBER 2022: 8, 15, 22, 29
7- 9 AM SGT
This virtual course takes you step-by-step through an interactive and fun process. You will learn to identify and talk about meaningful narrative events in your life in a way that is entertaining and inspiring.
Choose from: OPTION A: entire course (8 hours)
OPTION B: entire course (8 hours) + 1hr private coaching session (on your schedule, never expires!)
Click here to register and find out more.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022
10:20 pm SGT
‘Hands full of Stories’ – Free online oral storytelling.
Each month we have a prompt for our story swap. Enjoy an evening of storytelling featuring stories about ‘hands’ that are devious, dangerous, dainty, dutiful or deftly, creative and caring.
Come to tell and or listen to a range of short stories by people from different parts of the world sharing stories from a variety of genres and cultures.
If you would like to tell a prepared story of 5-6 minutes email Christine Carlton at storyaus@gmail.com to be put on the list to tell a story. Your story could be a personal story, myth, legend, or folktale. – The word ‘Hand’ or ‘Hands’ must feature in the story.
This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) Come as a listener or teller. All welcome.
Register on Eventbrite to receive the zoom link
This is a free online event organised by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW). Visitors are welcome to join us! For more information visit australianstorytellers.org.au/events

Scattering Love and Empathy
10th October– World Mental Health Day
15th October-World White Cane Day
22nd October– World Stuttering Awareness Day
24th October– World Polio Day
Have you ever wondered why we observe so many different days? Are we creating awareness around us?
“We find our joys in the littlest of things.” This was the sentiment expressed by a friend with a differently abled child.
The needs of the differently abled are not special. How those needs are met may be different, but their needs are the same as anyone else’s.
Our first thoughts are often pity and sympathy, but are seldom empathy. Perhaps what is needed is inclusion and empathy. We are uncomfortable in their midst; they aren’t. We see them differently; they don’t see themselves differently.
Perhaps in their world social norms and etiquettes do not exist. Maybe that is different from our world, where so much emphasis is placed on norms which are considered a valuable tool to excel at life.
We need to understand what they need. We can try and understand that the differently abled can be independent in their own ways. Simple tasks that we take for granted do not come easy to them but that does not stop them from trying.
Maybe we do not know how to interact with the differently abled, so what if we learnt to do it right? Let us take with us a little understanding, patience and an open mind.
Let us work towards creating a world where differences are embraced, strengths recognized, opportunities created to nurture those strengths, and the littlest of achievements celebrated.
We have heard of innumerable instances where the differently abled have gone on to achieve remarkable things. Keanu Reeves credits acting for helping him cope with dyslexia and has a deeper love of Shakespeare’s works than he would have from reading them. Ludwig Van Beethoven was hearing impaired. When his 9th Symphony premiered, he had to turn around to see the audience cheering. He could not hear their rapturous applause. Helen Keller, an American author, activist and lecturer was the first deaf and blind person to graduate from university. Stevie Wonder, American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer has been blind from infancy.
Given a supportive environment, many have gone on to achieve big things in life.
This West African folktale may give us a little more fodder for becoming understanding and celebrating our differences.
The Man Who Saw With His Heart
Once there was a blind man who lived with his sister in a hut by the edge of a forest. Blind though he was, he seemed to know a lot about the world. He loved sitting outside his hut and chatting with the passers-by. They shared stories of their adventures with the creatures of the forest; he listened and soaked in as much information as he could. He sometimes accompanied people into the forest.
It always seemed to people that he saw not with his eyes but with his other senses.
A fine hunter who frequently passed by their hut and who had observed the kindness of his beautiful sister began stopping to chat with the blind man. Clearly what he longed for was the blind man’s sister’s affection and soon they fell in love and were married. The sister had only one condition, that her blind brother would continue to live with them.
All was well for a while, perhaps it was the honeymoon period but soon the hunter began getting irritable. He had no time at all for her brother. At others he was downright insensitive and said, “What use is a person with no eyes?”
Every day the hunter would go into the forest with his traps, bow and quiver full of arrows, and every day the brother would ask, “Please, let me come hunting with you in the forest.”
But the fine hunter would shake his head and be very dismissive of him and say, “Do not waste my time.”
One evening, the hunter returned home in a good mood. He had hunted a boar and a rabbit and knew the meat would last a few days. His wife cooked the meat, and when they finished eating, the hunter turned to the blind man and said, “Tomorrow you may come hunting with me.”
The brother was happy and indeed so was his sister, the hunter’s wife. The next morning, they set off into the forest, the hunter with his traps, bow and quiver of arrows leading the blind man by the hand. Suddenly, the blind man stopped and whispered, “I hear rustling. There is a snake!”
The hunter looked about him quite puzzled but saw nothing.
“There is a mamba,” said the blind man, “but it is all right; he is slithering away from us. He will not hurt us.”
They went along the path and there, sure enough, was a snake taking cover under some dried leaves. The hunter asked, “How did you know about the snake?”
“Because I see not with my eyes but with my other senses.”
As they walked deep into the forest, once more the blind brother said, “There are wild boars around but do not worry, they are at a distance. Listen, listen, that is the sound of a bird’s wings unfolding, it is preparing to fly.”
They continued deeper into the forest until they came to a clearing. The hunter set one of his traps and guided the blind man on how to set another one. Then the hunter said, “We will come back tomorrow and see what we have caught.”
Excitedly, the next morning, they walked into the forest to where the traps had been set. The blind man knew his way through the forest to where the traps were laid.
The hunter saw straight away that there was a bird caught in each trap. And he saw that the bird caught in his trap was a tiny bird that was brown in colour, and the bird in the blind man’s trap was beautiful with feathers of orange and gold. Those plumages would make a lovely gift, thought the hunter.
The hunter gave a loud whoop and said, “There is a bird in each of our traps, let me get them out.”
He gave the blind man the tiny brown bird, and he kept the beautiful bird for himself. They then started for home.
As they walked, the hunter said, “If you are so clever and see not with your eyes but with your other senses, then answer me this, “Why is there so much anger and hatred in this world? Why are there so many wars?”
The blind man answered, “Because there are so many people in this world who take what does not belong to them.”
Now that the hunter felt remorseful, he took the little bird from the blind brother’s hand and gave him the beautiful one instead. The blind brother said nothing.
As they walked, it was now the blind brother’s turn and he asked, “Can you tell me, “Why is there so much love and kindness in this world?”
The fine hunter stood transfixed; he did not know what to say. And so, the blind brother answered his own question, “Because the world is also full of so many good people, people like you, who reflect and learn from their mistakes.”
From then on, the fine hunter always took his blind brother-in-law hunting into the forest. If he heard anyone ask, “Blind man, how is it that you are so wise?” the fine hunter would reply, “Because he sees not with his eyes but with all his other senses, and he hears with his heart.”
“There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more.” ~ Robert M. Hensel
- Tales of Wisdom and Wonder by Hugh Lupton
- The Girl Who Married a Lion and Other Tales from Africa by Alexander McCall Smith