Professional Membership costs S$70 per calendar year, valid from 1 January to 31 December. All membership will expire on 31 December no matter when you join.
Professional Membership is for professional storytellers residing in Singapore.

We require all applicants to read carefully the and agree to its contents.

To be eligible for Professional Membership, you must apply for one of the following three sub-categories:

(a) Professional Membership (Adult Audiences); or 

(b) Professional Membership (Children and Family Audiences); or

(c) Professional Membership (All Audiences)

To be eligible any one type of membership, you must:

(1) have told professionally as public performances for a minimum of 2 years (as opposed to using storytelling as a tool in the course of one’s work);

(2) be aged 21 and above;

(3) have the experience of paid performances and the ability to handle many different types of audiences, audience sizes and venues; and

(4) submit a list of storytelling performances with stories and information about audiences

  • Applicants for Professional Membership (Adult Audiences) must have a repertoire of at least 20 stories, appropriate for adult/teenage audiences,
  • Applicants for Professional Membership (Children and Family Audiences) must have a repertoire of at least 20 stories, appropriate for children, 
  • Applicants for Professional Membership (All Audiences) must have a repertoire of at least 15 stories appropriate for adult/teenage audiences and at least 15 stories appropriate for children/family audiences.

Please Note:

  • Using stories as a part of your work—e.g. as a teacher, librarian, counsellor, trainer—does not fall within the Association’s definition of ‘professional storyteller’.
  • Because Professional Membership / Non-Resident Professional Membership of the Association endorses the teller as a professional, approval of an application is not automatic.
  • The Executive Committee is authorised to interview and make a performance-based assessment of all applicants. This assessment may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  • For the Executive Committee to assess fairly, the applicant will have to perform in one or more public performances in the category he/she is applying. Exco members of SAS will be invited to observe in one or more of these performances.

Rights and Privileges:

  • A Professional Member who is above 21 years of age has the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.
  • A Non-Resident Professional Member cannot vote or hold office, but is otherwise entitled to the same privileges as a Professional Member.

Definition of Residency:

  • The applicant has lived and/or worked in Singapore for not less than 183 days of the preceding year
    (January 1– December 31).
  • The applicant is considered a tax resident by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.
  • The applicant has lived/or worked in Singapore for not less than 183 days prior to the time of making the declaration, and has a valid immigration document that allows him/her to continue living and working in Singapore for at least another year from the time of application.
  • Professional Members (Resident and Non-Resident) shall notify the Executive Committee of any changes in their residency status, in writing and within 30 days of such change occurring. Upon such change, the member shall, with immediate effect, if Resident, become a Non-Resident Professional Member (Conversely, a Non-Resident Professional Member may become a Resident Professional Member). There shall be no refund of membership fees paid to the Association. There shall be no administrative fee levied for the membership category re-assignment. The Executive Committee may revoke the membership of the Association, or take any other appropriate action against a member, if any of the above declarations are untrue

Membership Fees:

Do not make payment until you have been informed that your application for Professional Membership has been approved by the Executive Committee.
(a) $70/annum, valid from 1 January to 31 December
(b) $100/annum for your own page on the SAS website, valid from 1 January to 31 December (optional)


  • A Professional Member who is above 21 years of age has the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.
  • The opportunity to have a one-page listing on the Association website
  • Networking possibilities with other professional tellers in Singapore and from overseas
  • Priority registration and discounted rates for master classes and workshops conducted by visiting professional tellers
  • Free entry to StoryPlay Workshops and Socials
  • Free loan of storytelling books and magazines from the SAS Resource Library
  • Email updates on upcoming storytelling events
  • Special offers on the sale of selected storytelling resources

    WorkshopTelling Stories in Informal SettingListening to storiesTelling stories as part of a performanceOther

    At homeIn my workTo my friendsIn librariesIn my classroomTo childrenTo teensTo adults

    I declare that I am a Resident of Singapore

    Associate Membership Voting Associate MembershipProfessional Membership (Adult Audiences)Professional Membership (Children & Family Audiences)Professional Membership (All Audiences)Non-Residential Professional Membership (Adult Audiences)Non-Residential Professional Membership (Children & Family Audiences)Non-Residential Professional Membership (All Audiences)

    I have read carefully the ‘Code of Professional Conduct for Storytellers’ and agree to its contents.

    I attach a detailed CV of my storytelling experience that lists the following :
    • organisations or venues where I have told stories
    • the kinds of audience I was telling to (e.g. pre-primary, teens, family, corporate)
    • the stories I told on these occasions using the template that I can download HERE
    • dates of three forthcoming storytelling events at which committee members might attend in
    order to observe me storytelling

    (File 1 , Mandatory* either .doc, .docx or .pdf)
    (File 2 , either .doc, .docx or .pdf)
    (File 3 , either .doc, .docx or .pdf)

    I confirm all details are accurate. I agree to the ‘Code of Professional Conduct for Storytellers’. I understand that by clicking the button below my application form will be submitted to the Executive Committee for evaluation. Payment of the membership fee will be paid upon approval.

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